Work & Play: The Importance of Celebrating You

This year, thankfully, the beauty industry has seen a continuation of busy schedules for professionals. Many of us in this industry are managing multiple responsibilities, including attending beauty shows, participating in brand meetings and maintaining regular salon work as small business owners. This demanding schedule often requires careful planning to balance our professional commitments with much needed personal time.

Dare to pause and bask in the glow of your achievements! Your relentless efforts and dedication deserve to be celebrated!

Travel is a significant aspect of this lifestyle. We are frequently flying to various locations for work-related events and personal obligations. For me, this can involve domestic travel for hair shows, tours, teaching, speaking engagements and back to LA to nurture my passion in the salon. I try to schedule equal opportunities to get away, take a break or visit my loved ones.  

The need for work-life balance is a must for anyone in our industry. It's crucial to allocate time for self-care and personal interests. This can involve scheduling dedicated personal time, even if it's for small activities or brief periods. For me, I made it a priority to visit my husband while he was on summer tour and schedule our one year wedding anniversary trip to Bali to renew our vows.  

Ultimately, the key to managing a busy professional and personal life lies in effective time management, prioritization and ensuring that one's own well-being is not overlooked amidst numerous responsibilities. Planning these events in advance helped me manage my work responsibilities effectively. I coordinated with my team to ensure smooth operations during my absence and made arrangements for remote work when possible. This approach not only allowed me to maintain a healthy work-life balance but also rejuvenated me, ultimately enhancing my productivity upon return. 

I understand you also have so much to juggle in your life, between your career and family. You, too, must make time for yourself or schedule something, even small, that you can do for yourself. Take that vacation, take that day off. You must celebrate your hard work and accomplishments so you can continue to bloom!

Remember, self-care isn't selfish; it's essential for your overall well-being and productivity. By taking time to recharge, you're investing in your future success and happiness. Embrace the moments of rest and celebration as opportunities to gain new perspectives and renewed energy.

When you return to your responsibilities, you'll find yourself more motivated, creative and efficient. This balance between work and play creates a positive cycle, where your accomplishments fuel your joy, and your joy fuels further accomplishments. Don't let guilt hold you back from enjoying your well-deserved breaks. You've earned them through your dedication and perseverance. By honoring your need for rest, celebration and play, you're setting a powerful example for others and cultivating a healthier work culture.

So go ahead, plan that trip, take that personal day, or simply indulge in a moment of pure relaxation. Your future self will thank you for the wisdom of nurturing both your professional and personal growth.

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